Sunday, May 20, 2012

No cigarettes since Mother's Day night..and I am crazy as a loon. :)

I have not had 1 cigarette since May 13, 2012, while I was watching Celebrity Apprentice.  Not even so much as a puff.  Right now, almost a week later, I feel like I am suffering from dementia.  I get up to do something and forget what it was I was going to do.  I hope this gets better.  I do have to say that this attempt at quitting hasn't been as bad as past attempts.  I am finding that quitting cold turkey is my best effort so far.  Using any of those nicotine replacement things just seems to prolong the agony.

Now I will live longer and have more time to be a mean b*tch to my family and friends!  More time for the kiddies to change my diapers and feed me!

To make quitting more fun, I found this neat Quit Counter at I can bore my family and friends to death with my non-smoking stats!

Jeannie - Free from nicotine for Six Days, 12 Hours and 44 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 21 Hours, by avoiding the use of 261 cigarettes that would have cost me $52.26.

Yeah, it would have cost me $52.26 that I wouldn't have spent because I don't have it.  Guess it is a good thing I quit!

I realize this is a lame post for a first post, but my Sunday morning Sopranos marathon is on, and that is really the only vice I have left.  I will offer more opinionated and biased commentary next time, I promise.  If I get myself worked up about anything right now, I might be tempted to go hit on the Marlboro man. Ugh!